Get survey responses to Google Forms

Export responses from Unity

To import your results back to Google Forms, you need to export your  XRS_Responses.csv file from your folder in Unity. To do that, you need to click on the “XRsurveys“ in the Unity main menu bar and choose the “Show responses csv. file in explorer (for export to Google drive” option. Or alternatively, open your project in Unity and export the file directly from /Assets/SurveyResponses/XRS_Responses.csv. 

Add responses to Google Drive 

Then you have to import the file (you can use the drag and drop function) to your Google Drive folder (which was previously created by the script). It is the same folder as the XRS_ExportedForm.csv file from the previous export from Google Form. The name of this folder begins with "XRS" and the folder name structure is "XRS_nameoftheform_id"

Import responses to Google Forms 

When you have your answers in that file, all you have to do is to go to your created Google form, click the puzzle piece icon, select XRsurveys and choose the “XRs: import responses from the Unity” option. All responses are then available in Google Forms “responses“ section for analysis, eg. creation of charts and tables.